
Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I just read a blog post from someone I know and, as I was impressed by the content, I left a positive and complimentary message on the post. I wanted to give positive reinforcement to this blogger who has only managed a couple of posts this year. I may even have been able to help with the mystery that this blog post was aiming to solve!

After I tried to post my comment I received this message "Comments on this blog are restricted to team members". I took a look at the blog and noticed that quite a few people joined the blog but none had bothered to comment on the post!

I am a fan of blogging because it is a collaborative medium that encourages conversation and communication. If this blogger does not want to encourage that conversation  then why does she have a public blog. In my opinion she should make it private and visible only to those who are members of the team that is allowed to participate in the conversation.

I was annoyed that I could not post my comment after I had made the effort to extend the hand of friendship. I am giving this blogger the benefit of the doubt and presuming that she does not understand the commenting system on blogger.

Do you think I should ask her why she has her blog set up this way when next I see her?


  1. I think you should ask her - she may not have set up her blog this way intentionally. Many of us are still learning and so rely on comments and help from experienced bloggers like yourself.

  2. I agree with Jackie. Or maybe she's had spam problems.

  3. I agree. She might not know. I know that by mistake, I have sometimes made it impossible to comment. I am always glad when someone tells me or I figure it out.

  4. I agree with all that's been said before. I'm having probs commenting on some blogs because long ago I chose not to go down the "Google" path... has something to do with "Google+"... Judy Webster recently wrote about this.
    Also, now that Google has purchased "Feedburner" I can no longer subscribe to blogs who've kept this tool, nor can I unsubscribe from those I previously signed up for via "Feedburner" without registering with Google.
    So, seems there are lots of blog connection issues in transition at the moment.
    Hope this helps... cheers, Catherine.

  5. Thanks for your thoughts, I'll have a chat with her when next I see her.

  6. Agree also that you should ask her as it could be set that way unintentionally. If it were mine I'd like to be told.

  7. I wonder if the message is a (very poorly expressed) invitation to join the "team" of approved commenters. It is not my style but I can imagine some people would prefer that to facing a Captcha puzzle every time.

  8. I saw a couple of bloggers today who said "Was it me?".

    Because of the funny things Blogger sometimes does they thought it may be them.

  9. Great post Jill! If I comment on a blog and give a thumbs up about 3 different times and not even get a smiley face....I am turned off and hold a silly grudge. If we are to make Genealogy more open to newbies and the younger generation we have to share more and make commenting on a great blog more accessible. Kinda like the family trees that are blocked and they refuse to answer your emails..UGH!


I'd love to hear what you have to say so I encourage you to say G'day in comments on my posts.

Sorry I have turned word verification on but I am just getting too much spam to allow comments without this feature.