
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Family History Through the Alphabet – Y is for …Y not?

Although I don't expect everyone to share my fascination with technology and its application to many genealogy functions I hope that genealogists will approach the use of technology with an open mind and not dismiss it without consideration.

I realise that anyone reading this blog post probably already employs various applications and tools as they search for their ancestors and record their family stories. However when I meet many genealogists at meetings, libraries and conferences I find that they do not share our positive attitude towards technology

In my penultimte post for this challenge, I entreat you to be an advocate for technology. Share your enthusiasm with those you meet, show them how technology will help them organise their data, keep up to date with genealogy news, connect with new cousins and take part in online learning activities.

* Offer to give a talk on your favourite app, resource or tech toy at a local library or society
* Mentor your genimates who aren't familiar with technology
* Write articles highlighting technology for your society's newsletter
* Offer to set up a social media presence for your society and teach members how to access it.

Y not join me and become an advocate for the use of technology in genealogy?


  1. That Y was something else, wasn't it?

  2. "Y not?" ... indeed Jill. Great wake up call. Thanks, Catherine

  3. I think we all admire your ability to take on a new tech toy and learn it in a few minutes. :-)

    You're an inspiration.


I'd love to hear what you have to say so I encourage you to say G'day in comments on my posts.

Sorry I have turned word verification on but I am just getting too much spam to allow comments without this feature.