
Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Other Side of the Fence

Knowing that I have had a Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner for some time Alan Phillips from Gould Genealogy, who is now importing these devices into Australia, asked me if I would demonstrate the gadget during a couple of breaks at the recent Genealogy Congress in Adelaide. I must not have blotted my copybook at that event as Alan has invited me to do a few repeat performances.

GeniAus at work Photo Source: Carole Riley Google+ post
I spent a couple of pleasant days at the Shoalhaven Family History Fair  in Nowra demonstrating the Flip-Pal. As well as demonstrating the scanner on the  Gould Genealogy  stand at the Unlock the Past Brisbane Expo I gave three talks about using the Flip-Pal and organising one's images with Picasa. my three other presentations were on Geneablogging, Geneawebinars and Google+ for Genealogy. My latest appearance was at the Parramatta Unlock the Past event last Friday where I put the-Pal through its paces in the breaks between the talks at the Unlock the Past seminar. 

I have enjoyed my new role as super-salesperson. That I was employed to meet and chat with other genealogists and given an opportunity to attend three extra genealogy events was a welcome opportunity for me. If you'd like to see the Flip-Pal in action I will be showing it off on the  Gould Genealogy stand at the 28th Annual Conference of the NSW & ACT Association of Family History Societies in September and on the 3rd Unlock the Past Genealogy Cruise next February.

I was prompted to write this post after reading Lynn Palermo's post yesterday. Without the support of Gould I would not have been able to attend either the Shoalhaven or Brisbane events.


  1. It's a great photo of you Jill, if I do say so myself! I enjoyed taking over your demonstarting duties on the rest of the Audrey Collins tour. Thos FlipPals sell themselves!

  2. As Carole said, it is a great photo of you Jill. And thanks so much or helping out with the demoing. They're great little machines, but they do need someone to show them just how they work, and how easy they are use - to really appreciate them. THANKYOU!

  3. Sounds like you and Gould Genealogy have a great partnership and are a great example to those of us considering using sponsorship has a means to attending more conferences. Thanks for showing us how it's done


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