
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Congress Welcome - The People that you Meet

Some happy snaps from Congress this evening


Shauna Hicks, Julie Hesse and Friend

Jill Ball, Shauna Hicks, Julie Hesse
Helen V Smith, Daniel Horowitz (My Heritage - Israel) Judy Webster
South Australians
South Australians
Michelle Nichols, Jonathan Auld and Jackie van Bergen
Kerry Farmer, Carole Riley, Keith Bassett
Jackie van Bergen, Jill Ball, Jenny Joyce
Roger Kershaw (National Archives UK), Jill Ball
Allan Murrin, Judy Webster, Shauna Hicks
South Australians


  1. So nice to connect faces with names. It looks like you all are having a great time!

  2. Thanks for all of these Jill, looks like a great gathering. Being Australiasia, where are those from Tassie, WA and NZ? I know there are people from these locations at AFFHO somewhere....

  3. I met up with some WA and NZ friends but haven't seen anyone yet from Tasmania or Darwin. I lamented no congress attendance list in my latest Diary blog

  4. Looks like you're having lots of fun Jill - thanks for all the photos and the news....wish I was there with you....I didn't know about the bloggers beads...will remember that for the future!!!

  5. great to put faces to names. Looks like lots of fun times being had. Thanks for keeping us posted.


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