
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Morning Tech Routine - Responses

Last week's Morning Tech Routine post ended with a question. "So What's your Morning Tech Routine? Do you have one?"

As well as getting a couple of comments directly on my blog post quite a few bloggers answered my question on their blogs. I have enjoyed reading their varied responses from Randy Seaver who talked about being a Technosaurus to Pauleen Cass who mentioned that communicating online with genealogy friends helps diminish the feeling of  isolation that comes with living in The Northern Territory of Australia. Quite a number of my fellow Official Bloggers for the 2012 Rootstech Conference also responded. 

Thanks to all of these Genimates for their responses. As well as finding out about dead people I am so interested in the practices of those who share my genealogy passion/obsession. I have learnt something from each of your posts.

The collection of posts makes a good resource for anyone wondering about the use of Social Media in genealogy so I am creating a list here for those who may be interested. Apologies if I have missed a post or two - I am just listing those that I found, others my have escaped my attention. Please let me know of others to add.

Pauleen Cass - Family History Across the Seas
Amy Coffin - We Tree Genealogy Blog
Thomas MacEntee - Destination Austin Family 
Joan Miller - Luxegen  
Caroline Pointer - For your Family Story
Karen Lesueur Packard Rhodes - Karen about Genealogy
Marian Pierre-Louis - Marian's Roots and Rambles
Randy Seaver - Genea-Musings
Helen V Smith - From the Desk of Helen V Smith
James Tanner - Genealogy's Star 


  1. Hi Jill

    Mine is at


  2. Thsnks, Helen, I'll add yours in the morning.

  3. Hi Jill

    I've been enjoying reading the posts on "Morning Tech Routines" and thought about doing one myself. After thinking about it for a while though I decided I really don't have a routine because every day starts off differently for me at the moment and fitting in tech genie happens at random times of the day - whenever I can squeeze it in.

    One day that may change, but for now I simply do as much as I can when I have the chance...and watch the 'must do' pile get higher!



I'd love to hear what you have to say so I encourage you to say G'day in comments on my posts.

Sorry I have turned word verification on but I am just getting too much spam to allow comments without this feature.