
Friday, November 11, 2011

Genealogists - What's your Morning Tech Routine?

I read this post today on ReadWriteWeb where a number of techies responded to the question "What's your Morning Tech Routine?"

Blogger  said "Everybody has a morning routine, and most of us in the tech industry have a morning routine of getting in touch with the rest of the world."

The responses got me to wondering what other genealogists do. Do you leap out of bed and leave world and genealogy news until you have time? Do you have a special time of day allocated to catching up on the news? Is it on the commute to the office? Do you sit in bed with a coffee like I do and catch up before rising?  What do you check first - world or genealogy news? Where do you visit first - Twitter, Facebook, Google+, RSS feeds or your email?

As Australia is in a different timezone from most of the world lots of news arrives while I am sleeping. When I wake I grab my Android Tablet that sleeps beside my bed. I head straight for the big three social media sites: Twitter, Google+ and Facebook before I look at my RSS feeds. I don't seem to get as much email these days, moost of my messaages are email alerts,  so I might check this first. While I see news of the world via athese media most of the content I look at is related to genealogy and family history. If I see a bit of world news that I want to follow up I check out the Sydney Morning Herald and the ABC News apps. This all takes quite a while as I like to collaborate by sharing and commenting on others posts. 

Once I am up and about I turn on the computer in the kitchen and periodically check in to each of these during the day. If I am going out for the day the tablet travels with me and, if I am not the driver, carry out my morning routine while on the move.

So What's your Morning Tech Routine? Do you have one?


  1. Here is my Genealogy Morning Tech Routine

    Interesting question, thanks!

  2. Once my animals are sorted and the kettle is on and maybe some bread in the toaster I start reading my emails. My computer is in my workroom which is where I spend my days. I don't use Twitter or Google + so I only have Facebook to check :-)

    I receive email alerts for blog comments so I deal with those first thing in the morning too.

    If I'm working on an art project or my studies then the keyboard gets shifted back on the desk until needed. I check email and Facebook throughout the day.

    Some days I'm fully involved in my own family tree research or I'm researching for a blog post about a family member.

  3. I've really enjoyed reading everyone's posts. I finally got around to writing my own -

    Thanks (yet again!) for suggesting a great topic!

  4. This topic is constantly bothering me. If anybody is capable of answering that question, then I would be very grateful :) Then what do you think ? Why do we need iron in your tap water? Thanks for insightful response :)

    [url=]backlink pyramid[/url]


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