Congratulations to Michelle Nichols, Local Studies Librarian and the powers that be at Hawkesbury Library Service for sponsoring this project that will be so valuable to those of us with early connections in this area. Michelle posted the following on the AUS-NSW-HILLS-HAWKESBURY-HUNTER-VALLEY Rootsweb Mailing List.
"I just wanted to inform the HHHV list of the exciting project that Hawkesbury Library has been working on over the past year.
We have sponsored the digitisation of the Hawkesbury newspapers and these will become part of the Australian Historical Digitised Newspapers on Trove at The titles that will be included are as follows:
Australian Windsor,Richmond & Hawkesbury Advertiser 1873 - 1896
Hawkesbury Advocate 1899 - 1900
Hawkesbury chronicle & farmers advocate 1881 - 1888
Hawkesbury Courier 1844 - 1846
Hawkesbury Herald 1902 - 1945
Windsor Express & Richmond Advertiser 1843 - 1844
Windsor & Richmond Gazette 1888 - 1915?
The content has been processed for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) with the content starting to appear on Trove and you will see the articles now being indexed with this message "This article is part way through the digitisation process. It will be available when the page it is part of passes the final quality control check. This is likely to be within the next 1-28 days."
We hope to find the fund$ to digistise additional images of the Windsor & Richmond Gazette 1915 + in the not so distant future."
This is excellent news as many of my clan come from this area.