
Monday, March 21, 2011

Post a genealogy poem for World Poetry Day - 21st March

I just read on Twitter that it's World Poetry Day and that gave me an idea!

Let's recognise the day by posting a poem about genealogy or one that has relevance to someone in your tree to our blogs today. If you let me know via a comment on this blog or an email to of the link to where you have posted your poem I will compile a World Poetry Day hit.

If you don't have a place to post your poem just email it to me and I'll publish it for you.

Here is my Haiku ( 3 lines in a 5-7-5 syllable pattern) hastily written in a couple of minutes.

Hunting ancestors
Missing souls, vexing brickwalls
The thrill of the chase.

1 comment:

  1. Here's mine:


I'd love to hear what you have to say so I encourage you to say G'day in comments on my posts.

Sorry I have turned word verification on but I am just getting too much spam to allow comments without this feature.