
Friday, March 25, 2011

I haven't followed anyone and it's Friday

I like to follow an Australian Family Website or a blog on Fridays as my recognition of the Follow Friday activity.

I have been so involved editing my presentation for tomorrow's talk at SAG that I have forgotten to highlight such a site. As The Society of Australian Genealogists is on my mind I am suggesting that you take a look at their site.

Anyone with an interest in genealogy in Australia will find a wealth of information on the site. One can search the library's extensive catalogue, purchase resources from the online shop, get a membership application, search databases, enrol for educational opportunities, get details of special interest groups and subscribe to a free newsletter.


  1. I wasn't familiar with this site. Thank you for sharing.
    Theresa (Tangled Trees)

  2. I didn't mention that the site is mobile dvice friendly. Easy to use from my saartphone.

  3. Sorry typing is eve worse than normal from Smartphone

  4. I'm sure your presentation will be a great success.


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