
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Another gig for the earlybird

I am up with the birds again this morning to take part in a webinar organised by Familysearch. There are presently 87 people on line but there is not much action, If I have my time conversions right it should start in a couple of minutes.

The bloginar will tell about "the latest FamilySearch news and will outline FamilySearch’s plans to grow the volume and diversity of online training material for family historians. Included will be a demonstration of the latest training content additions and an in-depth discussion of future plans for research curricula and courses at Participants will be able see the demonstrations on their computers over the Internet and interact with presenters by phone or over a live, e-text and chat forum (see below log-in details)."

Looks like it's starting - I will blog more about this later.

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