
Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Terrible Twos

I have two little grandchildren who are approaching their second birthday and entering the stage known as "The Terrible Twos" where they learn that they can say "NO" with vigour and throw tantrums as they start to assert their their independence.

This blog "Geniaus" is two today. I wonder how its flavour may change as it enters the "Terrible Twos"?  I look forward to discovering how this will manifest itself in the coming year.

I thank my regular readers and those who pop by from time to time. I appreciate the comments you make on the blog and via email and the spikes you create in my statistics when a post resonates with you. This blog has brought me some valuable connections from all over the world and has been a means of connecting with newly discovered cousins.

For my newer readers here are the links to my first post and my first birthday post.


  1. Welcome to the "terrible twos," Geniaus. Based on how things went with my daughter, the 3's were actually worse, so hopefully 2 will be a smooth ride for you!


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