Monday, February 17, 2025

Coffin Ship

Better late than never, I found this post in my drafts folder and thought I should post it.

11/9/2017 Thanks to Mr GeniAus for jumping out of our tour bus in the rain to photograph the Irish National Famine Memorial, a coffin ship, in Murrisk, Mayo.

"The National Famine Monument at the base of Croagh Patrick in MurriskCounty Mayo, Ireland depicts a coffin ship with skeletons and bones as rigging. Sculpted by John Behan, it is Ireland's largest bronze sculpture. The "Coffin Ship" was unveiled by then President of Ireland Mary Robinson in 1997 to mark the 150th anniversary of the Irish Famine." (

Some of my Irish ancestors left Ireland for New South Wales during the Great Famine. Visiting this site gave me an opportunity to reflect on the challenges they faced on their brave and arduous journeys.

Upclose to the sculpture
From Wikipedia:

"coffin ship (Irishlong cónra) is a popular idiom used to describe the ships that carried Irish migrants escaping the Great Irish Famine and Highlanders displaced by the Highland Clearances.[1]"

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Hatstands at Connections2025

Hatstands Passau, Germany November 2024
Seven years ago today, as I was preparing for Rootstech, I compared myself to a hatstand with many hats on board. I had several roles in addition to being an Ambassador from Australia.

I won't be wearing as many hats at Connections2025 but will still be busy. 

Please take a look at that post from 16 February 2018,

Which hats will you be wearing in Brisbane?

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Prepping for Connections2025

I'm repurposing a post from 2019 as I prepare for my journey to Brisbane for Connections2025.

The GeniAus bag
If you are looking for me at the event just seek out the little old lady with the distinctive bag. Please stop me and say G'day.

Here is my list. Highlighted is what else I must still do
  • Airport transfer - I'll book an Uber to take me to the hotel when I arrive  in Brisbane
  • Books - A couple of unread books that I will ditch once read. Will also download a few eBooks from the local library onto my phone.
  • Purchase and pack breakfast bars, liquid breakfasts and healthy snacks for breakfasts in room.
  • Pack Clothesalways a challenge
  • Deliver Paddy to his second home where he loves playing with his mate Freddo.
  • Flights - Booked, Seats are allocated so no need to book in online.
  • Hotel Accommodation - All booked.
  • Luggage - I take one small carryon for the plane basically because I can't pack batteries and laptop in luggage for the hold. I can't understand why so many people carry large bags on board - they must pack the kitchen sink. 
  • Maps - will rely on Google maps on my phone.
  • Mobile Phone and Internet - My Telstra package will cover that. Battery pack not longer needed as I can usually find a power point or USB connection
  • A Notebook - I lose loose bits of paper.
  • No need to buy a Go Card for travel on public transport. I can use a credit card to tap and go. 
  • Pencil Case - a few pens and pencils and a small ruler that has a magnifying window (Handy for reading small print or old handwriting).
Nifty ruler with magnifying window 
  • Pills and potions - All sorted, have packed an emergency 'just in case' kit of favourites. A few days supply in handbag in case I part company with our bags.
  • Clean off some SD cards - will use camera as a backup in case phone battery dies.
Storage for my SD Cards
  • Technology: Digital camera and charger, Laptop, Portable 4 TB HDD Drive ( I download and tag my photos religiously most days), Chargers,. Most of this stuff lives in a purpose designed case that doesn't get unpacked between trips. Of course my mouse will be travelling with me, I can't get by without my mouse.
  • Scan Travel Docs - Include copies of prescriptions for drugs and glasses, health report from GP, Credit cards, Driver's Licence. Save onto phone, hard drive, Google Drive and computer. 
  • Travel insurance - covered by annual policy
  • Walking stick - needed for uneven paths.
  • Water bottle - Can fill once I have passed through security at airport.
My Travel Tech setup 
Specifically for Event
  • Find out names of Genimates who are travelling to Brisbane - encourage them to use Bluesky for communication
  • Blogger Beads - which ones will I wear?
  • Follow fellow event attendees on Bluesky
  • Have light day bag for conference - My Geniaus bag is unique so won't be confused for others
  • GeniAus Business Cards 
  • GeniAus Ribbons - have a few leftovers to take
  • Notebook - I find writing notes helps me to reinforce my learning
  • Schedule - put everything into my Google Calendar. Needs to be accessible on my phone.
  • Technology - I take a few extra toys when attending a conference as I may want to blog, vlog or interview genimates. Will my dual headed microphone for interviewing work with my new phone?
  • Reminders - will use my Google calendar for that too.
  • Set dates and times for Group photos - Bloggers, NSW genies etc. 
Have I forgotten anything?


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